HFHMV recently learned about a family in New Waterford, OH who is experiencing health issues with their daughter. She has a rare condition called Leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease that affects her brain, spinal cord and nerves. Recently, her condition worsened and she can no longer walk.
The community is coming together to build a 20X20 first floor bedroom, bathroom and a medical closet for Sofia and her family. Habitat for Humanity is assisting with the coordination of volunteers for this project. We will be looking for volunteers to work on the addition for them.
Here is a list of jobs that will require volunteer help:
Assisting with raising walls
Installing drywall & insulation
Laying flooring
And much more!
The volunteer schedule is not out yet, but if you would like to sign up here we will keep you posted once the schedule is created! This project will most likely last anywhere from 4-8 weeks. If you have any questions about volunteering, please reach out to Alyssa at abancroft@hfhmv.org. Thank you!