Habitat in the News

Osborn Avenue is complete!


We've been rehabbing a home on Osborn Avenue in Youngstown and it was completed right before Thanksgiving...just in time for the family to enjoy turkey dinner in their new home! This house was originally donated to HFHMV by a generous donor. Once taken over, HFHMV rehabbed the house and found a deserving family in need to become a homeowner.

A huge misconception is that Habitat GIVES the house to the family when in fact Habitat SELLS the house to the family once sweat equity is complete. Habitat homeowners work hard for their homes and pay a mortgage, utilities, taxes, etc. like any typical homeowner.

Habitat gives people a hand UP, not a hand OUT.

Interested in homeownership? Contact Kristina at knicholas@hfhmv.org or Alyssa at aosborne@hfhmv.org for details.

Check out the pics from Osborn Avenue and other HFHMV photos HERE!

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